ECO Friendly High Frequency Technology

Eco Friendly HF Technology

ZEMAT TG High Frequency welding machines are designed and built to very strict European Environmental and Safety regulations and have custom design solutions for weld and safety control.

ECO-Friendly HF Technology incorporated in the High Frequency machines contains:

  • Energy efficient ECO HF generators with microprocessor control of output power
  • 90% less power consumption than with traditional heat powered welding systems
  • Dynamic High-performance HF impedance matching
  • RF power output efficiency at 70-90%
  • Ultra-fast reflected power control
  • Dynamic Auto Tuning and Arc protection unit
  • Harmonic distortions eliminated by frequency band filters
  • Low power consumption and real time power output recognition
  • Very limited heat dissipation preventing overheating

HF machine build structure

  • Fully recyclable (100%) rolled Steel and Aluminum frames
  • Environmentally friendly components in electric and pneumatic circuitry
  • Non-toxic coatings and surfaces

ZTG RF Autotuning System™ – automatic control of energy saving output HF power flow based on Zemat TG custom HF power matching algorithms.  An independent HF Auto-Tuning system provides feedback control to maintain minimum reflected power for all RF generator modes of operation. The RFTune™ series of impedance matching systems is optimized to provide fast, reliable and robust matching capability under the most severe process conditions.

ZTG WCSTM Weld Check System –  the algorithms provide a continuous process monitoring system – OFFSET min / max for process parameters (weld time, current value, electrode pressure) for efficient work load and energy saving capability. 

 ZTG SafeDOWN™ – tooling bar press protection system for operator safety and ease of operating and positioning of welded material combined with our Pressure Logic System PLSTMintelligent down-stroke pressure setting for thick and heavy fabrics’ welding cycles.

In terms of EMC safety regulations, our company has a Certified EMF laboratory, and each machine has not only CE mark – which is included with the technical documentation we provided to you — but it’s also fully tested before it leaves our factory:

Zemat Technology Group
Certified & Accredited ISO 17025 
Electromagnetic Field EMF Compatibility/Interference

Zemat Technology Group accredited laboratory MobiLAB conducts tests and EMC/EMI measurements throughout European Union according to the EU directive WE765/2008; Certifies Radio Frequency machines, RFID equipment, confirms to safety zones throughout EU.

MobiLAB tests and measures electric and magnetic fields in order to ensure safe operation and work environment for industry personnel in accordance with European standard Nr 1999/519/EC; The Polish Standard PN-T-06580-3:2002 Health and safety at work in electromagnetic fields and radiation within the range of the frequency 0 Hz to 300 GHz, Sheet 3: Methods of measurement and evaluations of field at work-stands; and Ordinance of the Minister of Environment of 6 June 2014, regarding the acceptable levels of electromagnetic fields in the environment and the monitoring methods of maintaining these levels (Journal of Laws [Dz.U.] No. 0, item 817).

These rules are in accordance with the European Union Directive 2013/35/UE and German regulations according to BG VorschriftB11 Elektromagnetische Felder Unfallverhütungvorschrift vom 01 April 2002. The Zemat Technology Group MobiLAB determines and sets the electromagnetic field exposure time allowances for workers and EMF allowed exposure levels and safety zones in industrial production areas defined among others in BG Vorschrift B11 Elektromagnetische Felder / Unfallverhuetungsvorschrift: Expositionsbereich 1, Expositionsbereich 2, Bereich erhöhter Exposition, Gefahrbereich.

All High Frequency (RF 27,12MHz) machines made by Zemat Technology Group are made in full compliance of the EMC EU Safety Standards for Electro-Magnetic Field Exposure: Electric field strength ALs(E) [Vm–1] (RMS): <61V/m and Magnetic flux density ALs(B) [μT] (RMS): ,0,2 (at <0,5m

Safety guards Special guards with safety limit switches designed for protection against electromagnetic radiation (compliance with EN and EMC standards)

VPN client and VNC server With ZTG iCOM™ internet interface unit allowing remote control of all aspects of setup and weld cycle

ALSO AVAILBLE: Onsite ISO17025 EMC compliance testing – Full diagnostic testing and certification of the local factory EMC/EMS parameters according to the latest guidelines required by the CE & UL standards.
CE/UL Conformity – The machines in every quote are in conformity with CE rules and equipped with CE mark.